Thursday, October 04, 2007

If You Have Been Wondering About My Cottage, Now You will Know!

Through the last couple of years I have been posting about A Cottage my wife, sister in law, brother in law, and I have been restoring. It is a summer only Cottage and we use it from April Through November. It can be used during the winter, only there won't be any water to use as it gets turned off in Nov. We bleed the pipes, so no toilet to use. Yet it is nice to be there anytime.

It is like going back in time when there. Yes I do have a television there to watch the sports etc. Our Cottage is a shotgun type. It is all on one floor and as the name indicates, shotgun, meaning could fire a shotgun in the front doors and it will exit the rear door and not hit anything else. Hence the name shotgun.

This area goes back to the year 1868 when it was first formed as a Methodist camp. Tents were use then. There are 47 cottages and they were built after 1900, most around 1920. No insulation just the outside walls. Yes they do have some kind of heat, electricity and water.

They are nestled in among the tall Oak and Maple trees that date back a long time ago. Peace and tranquillity is the norm. It is only about a 20 minute drive from where I live in Timonium. When the 4 of us bought the place a little over 2 years ago we gutted it and have been improving it ever since. It is very livable!

The place is Emory Grove, which is located off of Butler Rd. in Glyndon Md. Emory Grove pre dates Glyndon by a few years. On the property it still has the great Victorian Hotel built about 1887. Though the many rooms cannot be used to rent, as was in the past, the very large main room is still used and can be rented for special occasions.

Being in the Grove as we call it, is like living back in the 1930's and 40's. You have this feeling when visiting and just about everyone feels it. You get this peaceful feeling of belonging when you enter the gates.

Us Grover's are very patriotic. We celebrate the 4th of July by decorating our cottages and having a parade. After the parade we go to the outdoor Tabernacle where we sing Patriotic songs. It is almost hokey, but you won't see much more patriotism in one place as you do at the Grove.

Style Magazine

has a nice article about the Grove and some photos. My cottage is very much like the photos in the article.

Emory Grove has a great history and can be Googled to see other articles about it. If you were wondering where my cottage was located, now you know. It wasn't any big secret, but a great place to getaway.

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