Tuesday, May 02, 2006

How In The Hell Did That Happen !!

Today, my wife was cleaning out our little pond. This happens every spring and sometime later in the summer. Pulling the filter draining some of the water etc. Last fall we had 3 large Goldfish in the pond. We saw a large Huron in the yard at the pond and it apparently got one of the Goldfish. After that we only saw 2 of them. They stay in the pond all winter and hibernate under the ice. It has been like that for years since they were very tiny fish.

My wife had a bucket with the pond water in it and dipped her hand in and out came some fish. The looked like Golden Shiners. They were all about 3" long except for one that was 5" long. How in the Hell did they get in our pond. We usually have frogs that appear out of nowhere, but we don't have a clue how the Shiners got into the pond. Maybe the big bird brought it, but I don't believe that. Why would the Huron bring me fish and then eat one of mine. Maybe it was a trading Huron or something like that. Those fish had to be in the pond for a long time to get that big. Just another mystery to be solved or not.

On another note, last week I drained and cleaned the swimming pool then power washed it. It was stained and the stain wasn't coming out. It has to be acid washed then treated with chemicals to neutralize it. Then filled with water which will take about 2 days and the normal chlorine to keep it clean and clear.

I tried to clean it with the Acid, but decided to let a pool company come in and do it. Just too much work for me and besides they can do a better job. The Pool Co. is suppose to be here tomorrow to see what has to be done. One of the big good things was, I had already drained and cleaned all of the debris out of it. So I will save some money because they don't have to.

At least it should be open by Memorial Day Weekend according to the Pool Co. They gave me a phone estimate and it is doable. I gave them the dimentions from the original blueprints and he added another 100 sq. ft. I will see what happens tomorrow!


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