Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I Must Strip The Paint Soon

I will be going up to the Cottage soon to remove the 2 large wood and glass sliding front doors and about 16 windows. I will take them over to my place of business and start stripping the lead paint from them. I will have to put plastic up where the windows and doors are just to keep the birds or any critters from coming in. The 2 front sliding doors have the original wavy glass and ornate hardware still on them. I will polish and lacquer the brass hardware at work then return everything back up to the cottage for caulking and then painting. It will be nice to have bare wood to work with instead of the paint that was chipping and in bad condition.

In the next few weeks the back porch and the room that was the kitchen will be torn down. Both were in horrible condition and couldn't be salvaged. We are going to have a new kitchen in a different area of the Cottage also a new Bathroom. We are going to replace the room where the kitchen was originally. Our main objective is to get the kitchen and bathroom up by summer. It will need a lot of work, but it has been fun working on it. We did get the Cottage painted on the exterior and interior before the cold weather set in last November.

My nephew and his crew will be tearing down the porch and kitchen. It is nice to have someone in the business that can do that. Yes, he will be paid and we are going to have to get a large dumpster for all of the debris. We all are actually looking forward to spring so we can work on the Cottage. Spring is just around the corner.


At 11:16 AM, Blogger acw said...

You should do some "before" and "after" pictures.

At 6:05 AM, Blogger Double Dogged said...

I do have the before pictures. I have been taking photos of the Cottage through all the phases of what we have been doing.


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