It has been 2 months in coming, but here it is, my own Blog. It had to be done. I couldn't put if off any longer. I wonder how many mistakes I will make? I know it's about time I did it. Just so I can relate better to my Blogging friends in Baltimore and surrounding areas. I hope in time to make friends from all over.
I can thank Jessica (Live In Love) for helping me to pick my name for this Blog. I mentioned to her a few of the names to use and she said Double Dogged was the one she liked the best. It was my 1st choice also. So, Thank You Jessica the beer is on me.
The name Double Dogged came about because of my 2 dogs. I am an early riser as is one of my dogs, sometimes she gets up too early. My other dog sleeps in and doesn't get up early. With the early riser, I will let her out, feed her, and let her out again to do her business. Then I can grab a fresh cup of coffee and let her back in, the rest of morning is mine. This can take anywhere from 25 minutes to 45 minutes except when I get Double Dogged. Just as I am getting ready to relax and get on the computer or read the paper, dog # 2 gets up and I have to do the whole routine over again. This is what I call Double Dogged.
I don't expect to post every day, but I will get my licks in. LOL
Welcome to Blogging, from a fellow 21093-er!
yay! double dogged!
Can't wait to meetchya!! (Assuming I haven't already?) Welcome to the game!
Thanks Jessica for the big welcome. I thought it was about time.
Snay, Yep it is me, glad to be on board.
Linda, I met you at the last Happy Hour. Thanks for the welcome.
Hi T
Good to hear from you. I will be glad to find the setting to allow anonymous comments. After all, I was anonymous at first. LOL
Glad you've joined the blogging ranks, Frank! Welcome!
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